Swim Therapy

One of the best exercises available to dogs is swim therapy. I recently did an arthroplasty on a small maltese cross who had Legg Perthes disease- ischemic necrosis of the femoral head. This disease necessitates either a total hip replacement (quite costly) or surgery to remove the

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Traveling With Your Pet

Travel Safety Tips
For some pet parents, a trip is no fun if the four-legged members of the family can’t come along. But traveling can be highly stressful, both for you and your pets. If you’re planning to take a trip with pets in tow, we have some

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It all started out with a phone call, as it usually does (or a txt, or a messenger message) "Amanda, I can't handle it anymore, he is left there day after day on his own and if I didn't feed or water him he wouldn't see anyone"

Now to most people, this would constitute neglect.

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Team With A Dream

I want to tell you about two Canadian athletes, who are going to be representing our country, and also our area, this year. Their names are Wendy McCoubrey and Lolita. I have had the pleasure of riding with Wendy over the years, and I saw Lolita as a day old filly when my horses were

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5 Reasons To Clean Your Pets Teeth Regularly.


1.A pet with healthy teeth equals a pet with better breath!


2.Caring for your pet’s teeth can prevent other health problems, saving you tons of money over the long term!


3.Dental disease can actually lead to problems with your pet’s organs, such as the heart


4.Your dog and cat are very good at hiding pain – you might never know that your pet has a serious dental problem until it’s very advanced.


5.Did you know that 4 out of 5 dogs over the age of 3 years have some sort of periodontal disease? It can be caused by the buildup of plaque,     so it’s important to go in for regular dental checkups and cleanings

Cat Grass vs Cat nip

Cat grass is typically grown from rye, barley, oat or wheat seeds. All you need to do is plant seeds in earth, water it and give it sunlight and voila you have cat grass!

Why do we suggest cat grass? Carlo Siracusa, and animal behaviorist at University of PA. School of Vet. Medicine,

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