Nous avons maintenant 3 membres d’équipe chez Timberlea qui sont certifiés pour faire des radiographies PennHIP.

Pour ceux d’entre vous qui ne sont pas familiers, PennHIP est une façon d’évaluer la dysplasie de la hanche chez un chien.

Veuillez-vous joindre à nous pour féliciter Jordan McComb de cette grande réalisation.



We now have 3 team members at Timberlea who are certified to do PennHIP x-rays.

For those of you who are unfamiliar, PennHIP is a way of assessing hip dysplasia in a dog.

Please join us in congratulating Jordan McComb for this great accomplishment.

Scarlett, 6 ans,
nous a été présenté après avoir été piétiné par un cheval.

blessures aux doigts peuvent être traitées de façon conservatrice, mais il y’a
eu beaucoup

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Covid 19 veterinary tales

During this strange and difficult time, we continue to do what we have always done, see and treat sick animals. Sometimes things go well, sometimes not, but for the next few weeks, we will try to recount some good things, that make our work worthwhile, and that hopefully will bring a smile to your face.

This is the story of Charlie, an 8 week old Boston terrier, who happens to be an unusual color- brown and white. She came to us having had her foot stepped on, which fractured all of her metacarpals (rather like all the bones in our hands). It was an accident, which is often the case, and the owners felt terrible. They felt even more terrible when told by a specialist that the only treatment option available was to pin the toes. Of course, they had no insurance. They came to the Timberlea Veterinary Clinic for a 2nd opinion.

Now surgery is always an option, and sometimes the best option, but one of the advantages of having older veterinarians is that we have practiced before there were specialists, and sometimes see things from another practical view. There were few or no specialists 30 years ago.

We offered to cast the foot with no guarantees. Casting immobilizes the fracture, and with a young growing dog can be challenging, as they are so active. We also need to change the cast every 2nd week, since they are growing and we don’t want to impinge on their growth plates. 3 changes were needed for little Charlie, each requiring a sedation. Our cast cutter had broken, and Dr. Glew had to improvise using her own wood cutting oscillating saw. 5 weeks later, repeat radiographs showed healing. A support bandage was placed just to help little Charlie resume her activity and to protect the fragile area.

Seeing Charlie run around on her leg certainly made our day-especially during this time. It was our little Easter gift in the form of a happy puppy! Happy Easter to all…

The Timberlea Veterinary Team.



Dear Clients,

Please be advised that we are now required to stop providing non-essential veterinary care, until further notice.  We will remain open, with modified hours of operation.   We will continue to see our clients for necessary veterinary

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Swim Therapy

One of the best exercises available to dogs is swim therapy. I recently did an arthroplasty on a small maltese cross who had Legg Perthes disease- ischemic necrosis of the femoral head. This disease necessitates either a total hip replacement (quite costly) or surgery to remove the

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Traveling With Your Pet

Travel Safety Tips
For some pet parents, a trip is no fun if the four-legged members of the family can’t come along. But traveling can be highly stressful, both for you and your pets. If you’re planning to take a trip with pets in tow, we have some

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