Nous avons maintenant 3 membres d’équipe chez Timberlea qui sont certifiés pour faire des radiographies PennHIP.

Pour ceux d’entre vous qui ne sont pas familiers, PennHIP est une façon d’évaluer la dysplasie de la hanche chez un chien.

Veuillez-vous joindre à nous pour féliciter Jordan McComb de cette grande réalisation.



We now have 3 team members at Timberlea who are certified to do PennHIP x-rays.

For those of you who are unfamiliar, PennHIP is a way of assessing hip dysplasia in a dog.

Please join us in congratulating Jordan McComb for this great accomplishment.



Dear Clients,

Please be advised that we are now required to stop providing non-essential veterinary care, until further notice.  We will remain open, with modified hours of operation.   We will continue to see our clients for necessary veterinary

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Going Senior


My father passed away in June 2015. Suddenly, my mother, who had been his main caregiver, was now at home alone in the old family house. So when an acquaintance told her about a 10-11 year old Westie who was looking for a home, she decided to take him on. His previous owner

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“Doga” And Other Things

With the advent of Yoga becoming more and more popular, I have decided to join the bandwagon and make our downstairs (which used to be a playroom) into a studio. I have collected mirrors from garage sales, and placed them haphazardly throughout the room. I also invested in a smart

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Swim Therapy

One of the best exercises available to dogs is swim therapy. I recently did an arthroplasty on a small maltese cross who had Legg Perthes disease- ischemic necrosis of the femoral head. This disease necessitates either a total hip replacement (quite costly) or surgery to remove the

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It all started out with a phone call, as it usually does (or a txt, or a messenger message) "Amanda, I can't handle it anymore, he is left there day after day on his own and if I didn't feed or water him he wouldn't see anyone"

Now to most people, this would constitute neglect.

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Team With A Dream

I want to tell you about two Canadian athletes, who are going to be representing our country, and also our area, this year. Their names are Wendy McCoubrey and Lolita. I have had the pleasure of riding with Wendy over the years, and I saw Lolita as a day old filly when my horses were

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